Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Sometimes love somebody that hate's you?

I was the one that never created the fight's.
I was the one who i sitting down by the sea side.
Thinking there was a place for myself.
If you still think that i am useless then it's alright.


Argh, my car, so shinny~~
I wanna get a second car, it's gonna be Satria Neo.
Now i almost have 3 month payment slip, so i going to get loan's, because my payment is very high now~~
Got two car's when im still studying and working at the same time?~~~
Some people think that my own friends are important, but actually got to see thou, when i am not with ( HER ), i hang out with friends lo, but if ( HER ) got always with me, of coz i will always be with ( HER ),
My first things in my life is ----------

GOD, (Of coz i still believe
Relationship, Friendship.

Since my car come back a long time ago, i dint go every place much, maybe just hang out with ALEX CHEW, Our old time competition singer at CROSSOVER, and Bao Ying. And, Brandon, and also my another friend name ALEX.

= ="

Tmr got go time square, so i take off day, going to sing K with friends, so shock got 1 girl from segi subang dont know me, and i also never see her before but she is going to hang out with us. LOL! Whatever!

I now most need things is Time for my other FRIENDS~!


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